Author: Joseph Lemaitre
Zsh and bash pitfalls
zsh is sometime touted as a drop-in replacement for bash. But it is not. When running our same scenario pipeline code on our cluster and on my macbook, I painfully discovered that while this work on bash, it will return an error “= not found” on zsh if [ $RESUME_DISCARD_SEEDING == “true” ]; then and…
Use a seaborn color palette for plotly figures
If you choose carefully a seaborn color palette, such as: and you want to use it in a plotly figure, it’s not as straightforward as it should. You need first to scale it and convert it first: So you can have consistent colours scheme across all of your figures ✨
How to save you institutional mailbox and calendars
How I did it: 37C20BE2-E02F-48F5-91BA-2275086E138E is 315CFCFE-F902-499E-BD53-259AC0F21BB6 is 17199DDE-A3A1-40C7-8FBB-662F004532AF is C6245073-FCAB-4DA4-A21C-A54693C7E882 is iCloud CBB567A4-CD0F-4ED5-A5A0-6DAE30511627 is E42160D9-B9F7-4677-B659-46CA4CAF9158 is Academics moves often, and for example I was affiliated with 3 different institutions in 2021. After some time, it’s unusual I’m writing this up because it took me one full day and it…
Disappointing ODE integration
Any general linear method that is unconditionally positivity preserving for all positive ODEs must have order ≤ 1. This is unfortunate. Order 1 is not accurate enough to solve a typical infectious disease dynamics problem at a scale where the outputs are relevant. That’s why many ODE integration schemes in our fields have added…
Choosing the next lens
Key features of a photography lens, aside for quality, are it’s focal length and its aperture. The focal length, express in mm is the zoom or field of view of a lease. There exist zoom lenses with variable focal (e.g 24-70mm) and fixed focal, prime lenses (e.g 35mm). The aperture controls how much light reaches…
Things that should not exist on a Mac
After years on many linux distributions (eventually settling on ArchLinux on a 2010 MacBook Air for the best part of my life), I decided to switch to Mac OS. I work on a MacBook Pro 16 on Mac OS. It’s ok, despite very bad handling of control. I don’t mind the Touch Bar as It’s…
First post
Hopefully I’ll write something here.